For All Things Marketing Automation



For All Things Marketing Automation


Hey there, Solopreneur!

I'm Ruheene

And I'm here to bring the best of social media and marketing automation to get you to YOUR unique business goals.. Faster

With a design background that spans over 20 years and ranges from architecture and visual effects for film to commercial production, photography, video production, user experience, web design and social media marketing, I am also a certified NLP Practitioner & Hypnotherapist- and passionate about empowering business owners to be in complete control of their productivity, time management & marketing ROI.

As The Bot Girl, I have brought all the tools and formulas I have developed over the years together to create a powerful system and multichannel framework specifically for small businesses and multi-hat solopreneurs- so you can focus on becoming the #1 authority in your niche instead of on chasing after every sale.



Facebook Ads &

Social Media Strategy

Laser focused ads for Facebook and Instagram to boost your returns on ad spend, and significantly increase your conversion rates.

Facebook Messenger & Instagram Automations

Boost your sales, and automate your customer service and marketing processes with more meaningful conversations.

All in one sales and marketing platform


Facebook Ads &

Social Media Strategy

Laser focused ads for Facebook and Instagram to boost your returns on ad spend, and significantly increase your conversion rates.

Facebook Messenger & Instagram Automations

Boost your sales, and automate your customer service and marketing processes with more meaningful conversations.


"Thank you OMG guys!

You guys make dreams come true. Thank you!! It's crazy what you guys have done and the time spent dedicated to help with our shop. I feel like you guys have so much to do with our success and helping generate revenue in these past months. Thank you guys, I don't have words but I hope you guys know we appreciate it and I wish I could hug y'all!"


Kenny Chiu

Owner, House of Bagels Colma

"The ads that you set up for me were phenomenal. Right from the beginning, the ads brought in triple the amount of clients. So Incredible!! It was a pleasure working with you. You truly are a professional and so full of knowledge and wisdom!! Thank you!!"

"We have had Ruheene work on several Marketing / web projects for us. She is creative, responsive to our needs, very easy to work with and will go above and beyond to produce outstanding work-product. I would strongly consider engaging her for any such projects."


Kathryn Malek

Owner and Founder, Empath Soul Mastery


Amit Garg

Founder and CEO, CRMantra

With implementing Ruheene's quiz templates, the comments we keep getting from our clients are:

"These are MY PEOPLE! Who we're selling to, who's coming through my funnel, is exactly my ideal client. It's the people I've been trying to get to for years, and we've finally been able to get them!

I had the pleasure of working with Ruheene during the launch of Apple's iPhone 5. While the challenges of the project always seemed to escalate due to the ambitious delivery, Ruheene did a fantastic job of clear communication, keeping everything on track, and ultimately delivered everything ahead of schedule, even under a near-impossible deadline. Thank you Ruheene!


Roxanne Ray

Founder, Be Foxy Marketing


Peter Crandall

Designer, Apple



"Thank you OMG guys!

You guys make dreams come true. Thank you!! It's crazy what you guys have done and the time spent dedicated to help with our shop. I feel like you guys have so much to do with our success and helping generate revenue in these past months. Thank you guys, I don't have words but I hope you guys know we appreciate it and I wish I could hug y'all!"


Kenny Chiu

Owner, House of Bagels Colma

"The ads that you set up for me were phenomenal. Right from the beginning the ads brought in triple the amount of clients. So Incredible!! It was a pleasure working with you. You truly are a professional and so full of knowledge and wisdom!!

Thank you!!"


Kathryn Malek

Owner and Founder, Empath Soul Mastery

"We have had Ruheene work on several Marketing / web projects for us. She is creative, responsive to our needs, very easy to work with and will go above and beyond to produce outstanding work-product. I would strongly consider engaging her for any such projects."


Amit Garg

Founder and CEO, CRMantra

With implementing Ruheene's quiz templates, the comments we keep getting from our clients are:

"These are MY PEOPLE! Who we're selling to, who's coming through my funnel, is exactly my ideal client. It's the people I've been trying to get to for years, and we've finally been able to get them!


Roxanne Ray

Founder, Be Foxy Marketing

I had the pleasure of working with Ruheene during the launch of Apple's iPhone 5. While the challenges of the project always seemed to escalate due to the ambitious delivery, Ruheene did a fantastic job of clear communication, keeping everything on track and ultimately delivered everything ahead of schedule, even under a near impossible deadline. Thank you Ruheene!


Peter Crandall

Designer, Apple



the impact of ai and data analytics on business decisions.

15.    From Analytics to Action: How AI is Transforming Decision Making in Business

May 05, 20235 min read

If we have data, let’s look at data. If all we have are opinions, let’s go with mine. - Jim Barksdale, prior CEO of Netscape

the impact of AI on decision making

From Analytics to Action: How AI is Transforming Decision Making in Business

Data is King, Analyzing it is Queen

In today's fast-paced business environment, data is king. But collecting and analyzing data is just the first step. The real challenge lies in turning insights into action.

Enter AI - the game-changing technology that's transforming decision making in businesses across the globe. From predictive analytics to personalized recommendations, AI is empowering organizations to make better, faster, and way more accurate decisions than ever before. In this blog, we'll cover some of the ways in which AI is revolutionizing the world of business- and discuss how you can leverage this technology to stay ahead of the competition in your own decision-making processes.

The role of AI in analytics

Data might be the sexiest word on every decision-maker's lips right now, but with the ever-increasing amount of data available, it is becoming increasingly difficult to make sense of it all. This is where artificial intelligence (AI) comes in, revolutionizing the way we analyze data, and helping us predict the future and make more informed decisions.

AI-powered analytics tools can help businesses quickly and accurately analyze vast amounts of data, providing insights that were previously impossible to even collect- let alone make sense of. This has led to a shift from traditional descriptive analytics to more advanced predictive and prescriptive analytics, allowing businesses to not only understand what has happened in the past but to also predict what will happen moving forward, and take action accordingly.

The role of AI in analytics is not limited to just data analysis, though. AI-powered tools can also automate routine tasks, freeing up time for decision-makers to focus on more strategic initiatives. From chatbots that can handle customer inquiries on autopilot with little to no human intervention, to robotic process automation (RPA) that can streamline enterprise-level workflows, AI is transforming the way businesses operate in today's highly competitive landscape.

As we continue to adopt AI-powered analytics tools, it is important to note, however, that they are not a replacement for human decision-making. Instead, it's best to view them as a powerful complement to human experience and intellect, providing decision-makers with the insights they need to make more informed and effective decisions.

The impact of AI on decision-making

As AI continues to evolve, businesses that embrace these technologies will be better positioned to succeed in today's rapidly changing business landscape. Gone are the days of relying purely on intuition and gut instincts.

But what impact is this having on the decision-making process itself? Are we becoming too reliant on machines to do the thinking for us? Or is AI simply freeing up our time and mental energy to focus on more strategic tasks?

Big data doesn't always mean big insights

The truth is, it's a little bit of both. AI has certainly revolutionized the way we approach decision-making, allowing us to analyze vast amounts of data in real-time and identify patterns and insights that would be impossible for us humans to spot on our own. But at the same time, it's important to remember that AI is only as good as the data it's fed. It's up to us as humans to make sure we're asking the right questions and interpreting the results in a way that makes sense for our business.

So, what does this mean for the future of decision-making? Will AI eventually replace human decision-makers altogether? Probably not. While AI is incredibly powerful, there will always be a need for human judgment and creativity in the decision-making process. But one thing's for sure – as AI continues to evolve and improve, it will become an increasingly vital tool for businesses looking to stay ahead of the curve.

Real-world examples of AI-powered decision-making

One example of AI-powered decision-making based on realtime data is in the healthcare industry. AI is being used to analyze data from electronic health records to identify patients at risk of developing chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. This allows healthcare providers to take proactive measures and provide personalized care to their patients.

Another example is in the financial industry, where AI is being used to detect fraud. By analyzing large amounts of data in real-time, AI can identify fraudulent transactions and prevent them from occurring. This has helped financial institutions save millions of dollars in losses.

In the retail industry, AI is being used to personalize the shopping experience for customers. By analyzing data from customer interactions, AI can recommend products that are relevant to the customer's interests and preferences. This has led to increased sales and customer satisfaction.

Future implications and considerations for businesses

As AI continues to evolve, it's important for businesses to consider the future implications of relying too heavily on these powerful tools.

One that is starting a slowly-spreading sense of panic is the potential impact on jobs. As AI becomes more prevalent in decision making, some jobs may become obsolete while others will require new skills. This means businesses must be prepared to adapt and provide training to ensure their employees are equipped to thrive in an AI-driven world.

And last but far from the least, is the issue of ethics and bias in AI decision making. It's important for businesses to ensure their AI systems are transparent and fair and that they are not inadvertently perpetuating existing inequalities, which is probably the biggest threat to the positive benefits of AI on humanity right now- and a whole lot harder to do with its current capabilities than you might think.

All said and done, while AI has the potential to revolutionize decision making and future pacing in business, it's crucial that we approach it with a measure of caution and consider all of the implications it comes with. By understanding the consequences of using AI along with its profound ability to do good, it is possible to reap the benefits of AI while mitigating its risks.

Because remember: with great power, comes great responsibility. (Thanks, Uncle Ben.)

With great power, comes great responsibility.

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data analyticsbusiness analyticsbusiness intelligenceaidatasales forecastingartificial intelligencemachine learningJim BarksdaleIf we have data, let’s look at data. If all we have are opinions, let’s go with mine.
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Ruheene Jaura

Ruheene is a Social Media Marketing Strategist specializing in Facebook Ads and Chat Marketing, and has a special love for marketing automations and doing less while making more. Being a mom to two beautiful kids under 10, she prioritizes working smarter not harder, above all else. Also known as The Bot Girl, she uses and teaches her Buttr framework in order to explain the looping lifecycle of a marketing campaign and how best to maximize its impact.

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DISCLAIMER: Buttr™ CRM and The Bot Girl® are not partners, affiliates or contractors of Facebook Inc. or Instagram.

Additionally, Buttr™ CRM and The Bot Girl® are NOT endorsed by Facebook or Instagram in any way.

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